Reasonable Accommodations at Work

Workplace REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) is a federal law that requires most employers to provide reasonable accommodations to applicants and employees with disabilities.  Similarly, the Rehabilitation Act requires accommodations for disabled employees of federal government agencies, federal contractors and subcontractors, and employers receiving federal financial assistance. This article will focus on […]

Unlawful Withdrawal of A Job Offer

Mary, a temporary employee at a manufacturing facility, was unlawfully denied a permanent job offer due to an elevated blood pressure reading taken during a fitness-for-duty exam. Despite being cleared for work by a doctor, her offer was rescinded by the company’s Head of Human Resources. After Mary’s case was initially dismissed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), it was reopened thanks to an attorney who pointed out a specific violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Eventually, Mary received a settlement that was more than two years of her usual earnings.

Employer Mistakes That Lead to Lawsuits

“TOP 10” Employer Mistakes Here are some common employer mistakes that can lead to lawsuits, EEOC Charges and other employee relations issues (in no particular order): Employer Mistake #1 – Not Following the Employee Handbook  Employee handbooks are not legally mandated.  However, a good employee handbook sets the tone for a workplace.  It should set forth company policies and other […]

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