Layoffs / Reductions In Force

Layoffs / REDUCTIONS IN FORCE (“RIF”) Companies utilize layoffs / reductions in force (“RIF”) for a variety of reasons.  Often times a business has to lay off employees due to economic issues.  Other times, companies eliminate multiple positions that are redundant.  Unfortunately, some employers use layoffs to hide unlawful motives for getting rid of certain […]

“You’re Fired!” Now What?

“YOU’RE FIRED!” Now WHat? Nobody wants to hear the words “you’re fired” or “we’re letting you go.”  So, what can you do once you’ve received those not-so-magic words, and the termination makes no sense?  Or maybe you feel like something unlawful is behind the termination?  Here are some things an employment lawyer will want to […]

Unemployment FAQ’s

Unemployment FAQ’s In the U.S., each state has its own system for paying unemployment benefits to qualified individuals who are out of work.  While each state’s process can vary, there will be many similarities. Here are some common Unemployment FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) based on the policies and practices of the GA Department of Labor. […]

Unlawful Workplace Retaliation

What is unlawful retaliation? Claims for unlawful retaliation must be specifically allowed under a particular law.  For example, the following laws prohibit retaliation against a person for exercising their legal rights:  The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (“ADEA”) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended in 1991 The Family and Medical […]

Employer Mistakes That Lead to Lawsuits

“TOP 10” Employer Mistakes Here are some common employer mistakes that can lead to lawsuits, EEOC Charges and other employee relations issues (in no particular order): Employer Mistake #1 – Not Following the Employee Handbook  Employee handbooks are not legally mandated.  However, a good employee handbook sets the tone for a workplace.  It should set forth company policies and other […]

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